Live the true meaning of flowers! Let’s share the joy of life by bringing hope to our children, our future.
Over three days in August we held our first graduation exhibition from all students of SOLOMON BLOEMEN. Over 30 works were created and installed under the overriding theme of ‘Living with Flowers’.
Each of these creations has been documented in beautiful photography, and later we shall transform them into attractive desktop calendars for sale in aid of the Children's Cancer Foundation.
Please support us in these aims and bring flowers and hope to less fortunate ones in our society.
為期三天,包含畢業典禮、畢業生作品展示、花藝示範以及花藝課程的SOLOMON BLOEMEN花藝學校畢業生作品展已經圓滿結束啦!
特別鳴謝專程從日本來到香港的嘉賓 —— 日本花藝設計師協會高級講師、花藝比賽及專業考試評委井上博登先生,為我們作花藝作品展示、花藝示範和花藝課堂,以及感謝所有贊助商 Parfumerie Trésor 和 Hing Fat Flower Market ,以及在場的工作人員的支持。
This August SOLOMON BLOEMEN was proud to have held a fantastic three-day event, including a marvellous exhibition of floral creations and design, as part of our first graduation exhibition. All of the students of SOLOMON BLOEMEN were invited to participate and share the skills and design talents that they have nurtured during their time with us.
Over 30 breath-taking and innovative works were created and installed under the overriding theme of ‘Living with Flowers’, and now we present these creations to you, beautifully documented in photographs transformed into attractive desktop calendars. This unique record of a unique event is being sold to discerning lovers of the floral arts in aid of the Hong Kong Children Foundation here in Hong Kong.
Our students have fully lived the true meaning of flowers! All of us here at SOLOMON BLOEMEN now want to share the joy of life by bringing hope to our children, our future.
Please support us in these aims and bring flowers and hope to the less fortunate ones in our society.
Dr Solomon Leong
To learn more about our flower school and our class schedule: https://www.solomonbloemen.com/flower-school