Dr. Solomon Leong representing Hong Kong to compete in the prestigious FTD Floral World Cup In Philadelphia, USA.
With the support from Brand Hong Kong, our team will have uniforms donning logos of Hong Kong, showcasing Hong Kong as “Asia's world city”.
Bringing with me the “flying dragon” and “can-do” spirit from my home city, my design takes inspiration from the sheer energy and density of Hong Kong.
I really hope to share with you my love for flowers and the passion for a city I grew up in. Friendship through flowers, let’s get connected !
Do share and love to show your love of Hong Kong.
梁靈剛博士代表香港,前往美國費城,出賽全球花藝界最頂尖的賽事——“FTD World Cup花藝世界杯”了!
很榮幸得到“Brand Hong Kong香港品牌”的支持,我們團隊將會穿上帶有香港飛龍標誌以及“亞洲國際都會”口號的製服,在國際大師雲集的花藝世界杯現場,宣揚香港勇往直前、積極進取的精神。