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WhatsApp Image 2019-10-03 at 4.50.07 PM.

Fleuramour 2019 - Time Space Juxtaposition

100 floral designers from around the world was gathered together to take us “Back to the Future”, the theme in Alden Biesen during Fleuramour 2019!

Dr. Leong’s interpretation of the theme “Back to the Future” at Fleuramour titled as “Time Space Juxtaposition” was inspired by Einstein’s theories on relativity and time travel. Fascinated by ideas about juxtaposing the past, present, future, let’s imagine sending letters by doves would be faster than using emails, or sending flowers to your future home that is yet to be built! These ideas on the delineation of time and space allow our imagination to roam free and to create our own ‘memory’; combining images, senses and wonderful emotion. A continued theme of Dr. Leong’s specialized wood band ‘ribbons’ which filled the room with gorgeousness and rhythm, this piece is set to depict time travels!

Special thanks to the fantastic garden roses from Alexandra farm and top quality flowers from Hoek Flowers! The amount of compliments about the flowers we got are overflowing by the minute!

It has been a great few days meeting old friends and making new ones! Friendship through flowers till we meet next time!

二十四年來,每年的九月末,Fleuramour都在比利時Alden Biesen城堡舉行。就如名字所寓意. 這場全球最富盛名的花藝活動,每年吸引全球各地的愛花之人和藝術家聚集在此,盡顯花藝設計的魅力。今年設計展的主題為 “Back to Future”. 梁博士的作品名為“Time Space Juxtaposition", 靈感來自於愛因斯坦的相對論和時光旅行,用木片構建了宛如緞帶般質感的線條,完全穿梭於中世紀的古堡空間,聯結了過去,現在和未來!

非常感謝 Alexandra Farms 赞助的庭院玫瑰和來自Hoek Flowers的高品質鮮花!


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