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More Global Foot Steps! Charity Demonstration at Ireland
Dr. Solomon Leong was invited by the Naul & Gardening Club for a charity flower demonstration at Ireland Dublin, a meaningful event to spread more foot-steps around the globe!
In Dublin’s Dahlia heaven, Dr. Leong’s demonstration was inspired by the in-season Dahlia and other garden plants. The demonstration’s night was a great success with proceeds in aid of Pieta House, which was established since 2006, providing free, therapeutic approach to people who are in suicidal distress and those who engage in self-harm.
梁靈剛博士應 Naul & Gardening Club 的邀請,在愛爾蘭進行了一次慈善的花藝作品示範。在這個大理花的天堂,梁博士以大理花和其他園林植物,創作了一系列以大理花為主題的花藝設計作品, 將大理花的柔美,豐富的層次感展現給觀眾。這次花藝示範的收益將撥捐愛爾蘭Pieta House,為自殺和自殘人士這提供免費的治療

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